Last week, my body developed itchy hives in three places on my body. One patch was on the right side of my chest, and the two other places were near both my hips. I didn’t know what the hell was going on. It started off with all three places feeling super itchy. I scratched it as one might do. The next morning, I woke up with all these places looking red, inflamed, and raised.

I didn’t know what may have caused this. I wondered if these were insect bites. If they were, from what? Due to my personal experience with bedbugs, my mind immediately went there. It didn’t make complete sense though. In the last two weeks, I’d only been to my parents place. My parents, in turn, rarely go anywhere where bedbugs might be (hotels, movie theatres, and such). They did attend a funeral however. Could this be a possibility?

The thing is, the hives didn’t look like insect bites. My chest, in particular, was just a large patch of inflamed skin. It’s been a long time now but my recollection was that my reaction to the bed bug bites were more localized. I had smaller patches of red marks, centered around the puncture sites, not large swaths of skin, like on my chest. Still, I cannot 100% rule out bed bugs just yet, though I think it’s unlikely.

My other theory was that it was an allergic reaction to something I ate. This to me also feels a bit far-fetched but still a possibility. I just don’t have allergic reactions to food. Or if I do, I haven’t discovered what those foods might be. In the last week, my diet has been consistent with what I’ve eaten normally. I ate salmon and shrimp, and I know some people have seafood allergies but I’ve eaten so much seafood in my life and it’s never been an issue. Perhaps it was something I ate and I didn’t realize I was allergic? It’s possible but again my diet has been very mundane and normal lately. Was it the Uncrustables? Am I allergic to strawberry jam, peanut butter, or hazelnut spread? I’ve had all three of those before, so this seems unlikely as well.

The good news is that since developing those three itchy red areas, no others have developed. The redness is still visible unfortunately but starting to fade away.

If these are indeed bed bug bites, I’d expect more marks to appear again in the next few days, as they come back to feed. If I see marks appear again, oh boy, it’s gonna get interesting.


What you see above is a picture of an Uncrustable. I took this picture and I took in my own home. This is remarkable because at the beginning of this year, you could not buy Uncrustables in Canada. I even wrote a post about it.

Uncrustables became available to purchase in Canada a few months ago, probably around the beginning of the summer and I did not realize it. I bought my first two boxes this week. In Canada, they only have the strawberry/peanut butter and hazelnut spread varieties. In the US, they have two other options, plus even wheat bread choices.

To say I was excited to bring these home is understatement. I’ve been wanting to try these things for so long. Before I give my “review” however, I want to temper everyone’s expectations. These things are basically kids’ sandwiches. White bread with sugary filling like simulated jam, peanut butter, and fake Nutella. The gimmick is that the sandwiches are sealed and crustless. Once you keep that in mind and have that context and aren’t expecting lobster and steak, you’re in the right place to try these.

I will say the strawberry “spread” and peanut butter tastes better to me than the hazelnut one. Having the two different flavours gives it a more complex experience. The other one just makes it seem like you’ve spread Nutella on a piece of bread, it just feels a bit too homogeneous. It maybe also be a tiny bit too sweet for me. It’s not bad however.

In both cases, the bread is extremely soft and fresh. These things come frozen and you’re supposed to defrost them for 30 to 60 minutes before eating. The bread comes out really soft and pillowy. Also, as a child, I hated eating bread crusts, so this is right up my alley. It’s easy to eat from edge to edge.

It makes for a great snack and while I wouldn’t eat a whole box every day, they are darn tasty. I also recognize that anyone can take fresh bread, spread jam and peanut butter on it, and then cut off the crusts, to get a pretty good copy of an Uncrustable. These things have a certain charm and convenience to them.

I’ve already returned to the store to get the larger box of strawberry and peanut butter.


It’s been about 48 hours after I sealed off gaps underneath the sink in my bathroom. Outside of that one straggler ant that was probably trapped on the wrong side of the threshold, I have not seen any other ants since. I don’t want to jinx it and declare victory on that front just yet, but the signs are all looking good.

In the kitchen, results are a bit more mixed. There are still a fair number of ants under the sink and I can’t say these are the ones who were caught out after I sealed off the gaps. There are still a few gaps under the sink that need sealing. One gap I can seal off with the silicone sealer but the others are cutouts for pipes and wiring. These cutouts are huge and I need an foam expanding foam or perhaps tape to these areas off.

The kitchen is still a work in progress, so the battle continues.


Yesterday I cleaned out the areas where I was gonna apply the silicone sealant. The liquid ant bait was a sticky mess but it got removed fairly easily with a bit of isopropyl alcohol and hot water. Underneath the kitchen sink was a tougher area to clean since it had much more piping to work around.

Once the areas were dry and clean, I got to work. The sealant I purchased came in a tube because I didn’t want to buy caulking gun and also I was gonna need to get into some tight spaces where such a gun would have not fit. I cut the tip of the tube off and in hindsight, I probably should have cut more off to get a bigger bead.

I started off in the bathroom because it had more space to work with. Under that sink, I’ve seen the ants get through the gaps along the bottom but not really the vertical ones, so I just sealed off those. The sealant is not as viscous as I’d imagined it to be, so I had to apply lots of force to get it out. That led to the bead being of varying thickness along the gaps. Some of it doesn’t look pretty but I think it covers all the gaps.

After I did the bathroom, I got tired, my blood sugar starting dropping, so I ordered some fried chicken and poutine. After eating, I took a nap, and wanted to play video games, so I left the kitchen for the next day.

This afternoon, I went to seal up the gaps under the kitchen sink. The amount of piping under there made it a major pain in the ass to apply the sealant. It honestly looks terrible in some places and I can’t even be sure the sealant covers all the gaps. For the places I definitely know the ants were emerging from, I did seal those gaps over without any doubt.

I have also being checking out the bathroom area since it was all sealed off. In the last 24 hours, I’ve seen exactly one ant underneath the sink. From it’s behaviour, it appears to be an ant that had been already in the bathroom when I sealed it off. It keeps walking along the corners where a gap would have been. That’s the only ant I’ve witnessed so far and I hope to keep it that way.

It’s too early to tell how well the sealant will work in the kitchen. I’ll be monitoring that area with great interest as well. I can’t say this issue is fully resolved just yet but I hope I’ve made some huge strides this weekend.


This week I was downstairs going to my bank when I saw a lady and her very large dog. I’m not sure what breed it was but it was large, like approaching a small pony size. Despite its size, it’s didn’t seem scary or intimidating, it was just a big dog.

As I was walking towards the bank, I saw the lady and the dog approach the bottom of an escalator. The lady wanted her dog to go on the escalator with her but the dog, stopped walking and just looked at the moving steps with trepidation. She was quite patient though and she spoke to the dog with encouraging words. Still, the dog held firm and even let out a single bark to let her know he wasn’t really wanting to do this.

By this time, I had walked out of view of this spectacle and I soon entered the bank, amused at what I had just seen. It took me a few minutes to deposit my lemonade stand money. Once that was done, I walked out of the bank, to retrace my steps to get back home. I quickly saw the lady and her dog in the exact same place. The dog still had not mustered up the courage to go on the escalator and the lady was still trying to encourage it to give it a try.

I didn’t have time to witness the outcome of this because I had to get home to make some dinner. I wonder what did happen in the end.

Upon reflection, I totally understand the hesitation on the part of the dog. Every person needs to learn how to get on an escalator. As a kid, I remember it being tricky and I got really nervous the first few times. As humans, we only need to worry about getting our two feet coordinated enough to get on the escalator steps. A dog has to navigate four feet onto the escalator. Also, it’s extra complicated because each set of feet need to be on separate steps.

I hope the dog figured it out.


The silicone sealant arrived on my doorstep on Tuesday but I’ve been too lazy to even open the package, let alone apply it to all the gaps and cracks in my bathroom and kitchen.

Part of the reason I’ve been lazy is that I need to clean all the surfaces before applying the sealant. I’ve pour a ton of that sticky liquid bait in and near these cracks and gaps, and I need to clean all of that off before applying the sealant. The area needs to be dry as well, so it’s a process.

There’s another long weekend coming up, so I’ll do it in a few days.


I want everyone to know that last week I discovered three dead ants in the glass that I was drinking from. I have no idea how long those ants were in my glass before I saw them. Just before making that horrifying discovery, I had just topped up my glass from my electric kettle. So either the ants were already in my glass before or I had just poured dead ants into my glass from my kettle.

Neither option is really great. I cleaned out both my glass and the electric kettle but the stain of that memory is still with me. It was at that moment that my war with these ants became more personal and made angry for the first time. These fuckers need to die.


It’s been a few more days since I set my ant bait traps. As I noted in my last post, there seem to be fewer ants in the kitchen compared to the bathroom, though I found a damn ant on plate that I was using on the weekend. They must be getting up onto the counter somehow. Looking under the kitchen sink, some times I see no ants and other times I see like two or three. There are definitely more under the bathroom sink.

The ant bait traps are definitely not “set and forget”. The bait dries up into this semi-liquid and semi-solid state, like if you poured out maple syrup and then let it dry out. The ants definitely aren’t interested in it in this form, so I have to almost daily re-apply new bait, in liquid form, in areas where they congregate. Even, most of the ants don’t seem interested in the bait anymore. I put the bait right along their travel corridors and many of them just walk around it. I don’t know why that is. I’m wondering if I should coat another bait type in the liquid bait, something like a small piece of chicken or something.

I have also decided I need to seal off the gaps in the cabinetry under the sink. I can see the ants going in and out of these gaps. I ordered a few tubes of clear silicone sealant, which will arrive on Monday. Will that be enough to keep the ants out? The problem is, I’m not sure if I’ve discovered all the points of ingress into my apartment. At least I know sealing these gaps isn’t a bad idea, so we’ll go from there. I just wish the bait traps were more attractive to them.


So those new ant bait traps arrived on my doorstep yesterday. Each trap is basically clear plastic packaging that contains a sticky, thick clear liquid. Just look at it here.

The instructions tell you to break or snip off one end of the package and place it label side up on a surface where the ants will find it. In this configuration, the liquid stays inside the trap and the ants are supposed to then make their way into the trap via the hole at the end, feed, and then leave. I quickly discovered this was not gonna work for me.

The ants that are infesting my apartment are much smaller than the ants you might have seen outside on a sidewalk or something. I believe they are called pharaoh ants. These ants are tiny. The opening to the traps is elevated off the ground and are way too high for them to easily get into the opening. The second issue is that the liquid bait inside the trap isn’t attractive enough for them to smell it and then investigate. They just ignored it or couldn’t smell it.

Some of the reviews of this trap mentioned they had pour small drops of the liquid bait directly onto the surfaces where the ants might find them. I did this and I also discovered I had to pour the liquid right in the paths of where they would traverse. A drop even like 5mm away from their “highways” would not be touched or noticed. I also used a cotton-tip to apply the bait along a vertical crack in the cabinetry where I saw lots of ants coming and going.

I did this both under my kitchen and bathroom sink. Last evening, I had dozens and dozens of ants eating from the bait in both locations. My original thinking was that the kitchen sink had more ants but it was the bathroom that attracted more. Keep in mind, I taped off the most probably point of ingress in the kitchen, so this is most likely a sign, I’m closer to solving the problem in the kitchen.

Anyways, after a night of feeding, I went to check both areas this morning. In another good sign, all the ants had left and I saw no dead ants anywhere. This meant that the ants that fed had taken the bait back to wherever they have their home and I’m hoping they shared the deadly bait with others.

This evening, I haven’t seen a whole lot of ants in either location but I refreshed the bait areas anyways. This liquid stuff tends to harden a bit after 24 hours and the manufacturer recommends keeping the bait as liquid as possible.

I’ll check again later this evening to see if the ants come back to feed. My hope that the extermination process has started and the ants will start dying in another day or two.


Some high school student from France is using one of my email addresses with some sorta school administration system. I guess it’s the system where you can look at your grades and schedule.

How do I know this? Because I received at least four emails this morning each of which were password reset messages. I could have reset his password and then logged into his account but what purpose would that serve? I have no benefit from looking at some high school grades.

I hope he figured it out.