Whatever caused my diarrhea last night continued to provide me minor issues today. I very gassy for most of the day and I might have even farted once during a Zoom call when I speaking. Oh well.

The farting continued into the evening and I had one dodgy poop around dinner time. It actually left me a bit winded afterwards, even though it wasn’t strenuous at all.

It’s time for bed now and I’m feeling a bit better but I can tell I still have some good farts left in me.


I’m about to go to bed now but ten minutes ago, I had an instance of diarrhea. It surprised me because I’ve only had two things to eat all evening. My dinner was some air fried chicken. It was cooked well beyond what it needed to be. The meat wasn’t bloody or anything. If anything, it might have been on the overcooked side. The other thing I had to eat were two oranges. Maybe it was the oranges? Most people don’t get sick eating oranges. Who knows. I had an uncomfortable five minutes on the toilet. My body better have completely expelled what was bothering it.

I wonder if I’ll poop myself while sleeping.


In the early days of the pandemic, my regular breakfast item was the muffin. With the switch to work from home, it changed my eating habits and what I bought at the grocery store. I needed something quick and easy to eat before my morning meetings. It also needed to come in multiples so I could buy many of them. Blueberry muffins fit the bill for me. I’d cut one in half, spread some butter on each side and then heat them up in my toaster oven.

That was great for a while but after months of eating a muffin for breakfast, it got boring. My breakfast items were pretty random for a while but then I settled down on bagels. They’re kinda carb-heavy but they’re good enough to get me out of bed these days. I usually buy blueberry or sesame seed bagels. I toasted them up and then spread a generous amount of butter on them. There’s a real great crispness to them once they come out of the toaster oven. I know cream cheese is a popular thing to put on a bagel but it’s not as good as butter.

Who knows how long bagels will grab my attention before I get bored of them. For now, it’s the tasty way of starting my day.


On Saturday evening, I ate a whole order of Korean fried chicken by myself and it was glorious. I hadn’t had much to eat all day, so when I got the chicken home, I was pretty hungry. I thought there was enough to eat later but it was so good that I kept on eating until it was all gone.

I felt very full afterwards and I didn’t have to eat again for the rest of the evening. There seems to be plethora of fried chicken places all over the city now. When I was a kid, it was either KFC or Church’s. Now there’s global brands from overseas and local run joint, all serving up deep fried poultry.


The CEO of the company I work for sent out an e-mail to all employees today. He wanted to update us on the new timeline for employees returning to our studios for work. Since March of 2020, this date has been unsurprisingly pushed back. If you can believe it, when we all first began working from home, the initial target return date was in two weeks time. Of course that did not happen.

In the latest update, their best guess estimate for a return to our studios is now September of 2021. This lines up with when most countries will have had a chance to vaccinate their entire general population. Though it wasn’t stated in the e-mail, I’m almost certain this was the yardstick by which they used to measure when to return safely.

If this holds true, most of us will have been working from our homes for over a year and a half by the time we all go back. Another spring and summer will be spent at home. We did it last year and I’m sure we can do it again.


This afternoon I realized that I had run so low on groceries that I made frozen hash browns for lunch. That’s not a great lunch. It contained very little protein and none of those leafy green vegetables you’re supposed to eat every day.

If I was working with my previous team, I would have been able to just drop everything and go downstairs and do a grocery run but my current team requires a bit more from me, so I had to wait until after work to get some food.

I fell asleep after dinner this evening. I rarely do that but I guess I didn’t get enough sleep last night. On that note, it’s time for bed. Goodnight everyone!


Depending on when you’re reading this post, the above video may or may not have premiered yet on YouTube. If it has, you’ll be able to watch the gameplay trailer for Season 8 of Apex Legends.

As I mentioned in several posts, I made a move to a new team internally in November but didn’t mention any more details. I can now say that I’m part of Respawn Vancouver, working on Apex Legends. Season 8 will be the newest content for the game that I had a hand in developing. I’m quite pleased to be on the team and working on a game that is so popular. This is probably the highest profile game that I’ve had the chance to contribute to, so it means a lot to me. I hope players will like what we’ll be giving to them in Season 8.


So, this morning I had a meeting where I didn’t have to join the Zoom call until I was messaged on Slack (imagine reading this sentence just five years ago). This meeting is for sprint planning and it doesn’t make sense to have ten other people on a call, listening to one person’s tasks that they don’t care about. When it’s your turn, they message you on Slack.

I was given an order in which people are going to be called in and I was in the middle of the pack. Now about 20 minutes after the meeting started, I had to go poop. It seemed like the meeting was going long, so I thought I could quickly poop before the meeting got to my turn. I quickly checked Slack and I had no unread messages, so I turned to go toward my bathroom when I heard the Slack notification go off. It was my turn to join the meeting. If that message had come in 15 seconds later, I would have been on the toilet with a messy bum.

Luckily, my part of the meeting only took about five minutes and I got to poop right after I left the call. It does make me wonder how many people have conducted Zoom meetings on the toilet.


As President Biden moved into the White House today, I noticed things seem to return to normal. Dare I say, it even appeared to be a bit boring near the end of the day. There was nothing substantial to report, at least politically as the night approached. I think that is a fantastic sign. In many ways, you know things are going ok when politics is boring. These last four years have been a dumpster fire and people have been bracing themselves on a daily basis for the newest round of bad news. It feels like we could go entire days without having to know what’s going on in Washington. That is refreshing.