This weekend kicks off EA Play 2017, EA’s own showcase of games to be released in the near future. The highlight of the three day event will be the opening press conference at noon PDT on Saturday. It will be there that people will get to see new stuff from games already announced (like Star Wars Battlefront II) and most likely reveals for games that have been kept under wraps until now.
At the beginning of the year, I wrote that I was temporarily loaned to another team at EA to help them with their game. This weekend, more details about that game will be released to the public. I’m actually not sure exactly how much info will be given but hopefully it will enough for me to safely write about it. If you remember, I mentioned the game features an Oscar winner. Perhaps by the end of the weekend, I can say more about that.
The press conference will be livestreamed on Saturday and I’ll be watching with great interest.