Today’s jaunt out to the airport to meet my friend was a success. Not only did I save $2.50 in extra transit fare, taking the bus probably got me to the airport just as quickly, if not slightly faster than taking trains all the way. Unfortunately, I may have stayed up too late the night before and did not get enough sleep. I fell asleep on the bus on the way home, which allowed me to be alert enough to run some errands in the afternoon. By 9pm though, I was feeling very tired. I probably should have forced myself to stay awake but I love making the wrong decisions and took a nap instead.
My intention was to nap half an hour or so and I probably should have set an alarm but I did not. The next thing I know, it was midnight. I’m wide awake and very refreshed now. I’ll probably take a sleeping pill so that I can get some rest before the sun comes up.
Hopefully this handsome friend (I’m assuming) at least bought you lunch for your trouble!
He did! His charming demeanor could have sustained me all day but he allowed me the honour of having breakfast for lunch!