I woke up at 10am today. This might seem like a reasonable time to get up, but I didn’t fall asleep until 6am. I think I had too much caffeine.

Anyways, I got up for a good reason. Several residents of SJC had planned out a farewell brunch for one of our own. Dr. Richard Townsend has been staying with us for the last three months.

Richard came out of retirement to teach at the Educational Studies department. He’s from Toronto originally and he ventured out west for a change in pace. Richard was a shining light at SJC and could always be depended on to provide a positive and pleasant outlook on things. He was a popular presence around the College, and it was a delight to converse with him. Richard took an active role at SJC, and we were all better for it.

We wish him and his wife well, back in Toronto and back in much deserved retirement.

For Richard’s brunch, we decided to go to Sophie’s Cosmic Cafe on 4th. Sadly, in the five years of undergrad and half year of grad, I have never been to Sophie’s. I’ve heard many good things about it, so I was excited to go.

We lined up for almost half an hour for our table. Once inside, I was able to see the eccletic decor. On the wall next to me was a signed photo of Angela Jolie at Sophie’s. Neat. I even got to meet Sophie herself.

I had two pancakes, two scrambled eggs, and some bacon. It was good, but I’ve had better breakfasts. Denny’s makes better scrambled eggs in opinion. They add butter to theirs, which makes it so good. Over conversation, Arash told me that he’s been to the new IHOP at Lougheed Mall already! He stole my thunder! Arash lives at SJC with me, and he’s originally from Tsawwassen! There’s no way he should have gone to Lougheed Mall! Apparently, someone wanted to go to IHOP, and they drove all the way there. I spent ten minutes grilling him on what it looked like and how good it was. Arash said he lined up for almost 45 minutes for a table. Lineups at IHOP! That’s awful!

Richard came around to speak to us all personally during the brunch, a classy touch.

After we all got home, I slid back into bed and napped from 3pm to 6pm. I woke up pretty groggy.

I’ve done nothing all night. I’m looking forward to adjusting my sleeping schedule to more decent hours.

Alright, have yourselves a good Monday.

2 thoughts on “”

  1. Your posts, Erwin, are incisive, droll, memorable, and kind.They deserve a wide and appreciative audience. Good to see that you’re still going strong and cogently.

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