Despite knowing the clocks were going forward on Saturday night, I stayed up way too late. That was a problem because I couldn’t sleep all day on Sunday as I had things to do and a schedule to keep. By the time 6pm rolled around, I was exhausted and wound up falling asleep on my couch. I napped for about 20 minutes, which is a good amount of time for a nap.
I think the combination of the time change and a lack of sleep was a double-whammy because I got so tired that I had to take another nap, this time around 9pm, which really isn’t a good time to nap. I really was quite tired though.
I also have a 9am meeting tomorrow morning and my body will still think it’s 8am, which will make that meeting suck even more. That said, this is the way the clocks need to stay permanently. When I finish work tomorrow, it will still be daylight, which is the way it should be.