On Saturday, a good friend of mine got married and I was the best man for the whole event. I wasn’t sure how I’d survive the whole day as I only got five hours of sleep the night before and the wedding events began at 9am and didn’t wrap up until 11pm. We were on the go for the entire time in between.

I’ll reserve another post for the actual day but I will say that I didn’t do much of anything today. I was so tired from Saturday. I didn’t even have that much to drink outside of a single glass of wine. After getting about seven hours of sleep, I didn’t even leave my bed for another two hours this morning

After getting a late lunch, I felt the need to nap, so I slept for another three hours or so. Man, weddings can be exhausting. Actually, my friend the groom probably was even more tired than I was. He said he only had 30 minutes of good sleep because he was so worried about the big day.

The modern, big family wedding can be a joyous occasion for sure but it asks a lot out of the bride and groom. I am sure they are very thankful they can just relax as newlyweds now.

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