I went to the Eatery for dinner tonight. It’s a nice place with some fabulous food and a really great atmosphere. While we were dining, Sarah pointed out the restaurant sold Eatery merchandise, specifically panties (link has music). You can see actual customers modeling said panties in photos when you go to the bathroom.

This only makes me want to order up a batch of panties myself and see if I can give them away. Sarah says that would be creepy. I don’t see the difference between the Eatery selling panties and me giving them away. Anyways, the debate rages on.

On the t-shirt front (get it? ha ha ha), I have sizes from everyone except Nic, Chris D, and Jonathan. Nic probably didn’t check his e-mail. Chris D probably read my e-mail but is way too busy to respond just yet. Jonathan didn’t get an e-mail and probably hasn’t read this post, which would make it a good time to make fun of him. Let’s hope those three send in their info so I can start the ordering process.

And last but not least, let me publicly congratulate Tyson for being formally accepted into the medical school at Memorial University. He’s been working his ass off for about a year studying for the MCAT and finishing his Ph.D thesis. He might even get into a few more schools as well, so the celebrating might not end here. In any case, good job Bone!


After much research, I’ve picked a vendor and a specific style for my web site t-shirts. The next step is to get sizes from those people who’ve indicated they want one. I’m about to send an e-mail to everyone. I have everyone’s address except for Jonathan and Cameron (at least I think you wanted one Cam). You guys can either e-mail me or leave your size as a comment here.

Please refer to the size chart below.


Ron, a former co-worker of mine, was in Paris recently for a business trip. While touring the city, he happened upon an interesting dining establishment and took the above photo. It says it’s a Chinese restaurant but it also looks like a grocery store. Maybe it’s a combination of both. A quick search of the web reveals it makes a pretty good hot and sour soup.

It seems like a place my Mom would go back to, three nights in a row while on vacation, thus preventing her children from experiencing their first ever Red Lobster visit… but that’s another story.


It wasn’t until I started working as a software engineer that I realized video game companies have wrap parties, much like movie productions. I worked on four different games as a tester and they didn’t even tell us about a party that we weren’t invited to.

Now that I’m in a role that offers a bit more respect, I’m finally invited to these damn things. On Sunday night, the producer for our game arranged for a little shindig at Mark’s Fiasco. A lot of people are going on vacation starting on Monday (myself included) so sooner was better than later for this.

Quite a few people quit the company during the course of the project and some of them were kind enough to attend the party. It was good seeing them and it reminded me how much more fun I had when they were around.

One of the former team members attending was Ron, he of the infamous “The Bet“. Oh, there were some fun times when the “The Bet” was brought up again. Ron seems to be a lightning rod for these types of discussions and I’m pretty sure my sister thinks he’s a bad influence on me. The discussion also elicited the most odd/funniest comment of the night:

“Hi, I’d like you to meet Wang, my boyfriend.”

In general, many drinks and much food was consumed. They make a kick ass fish and chips there. A single piece of fish there is about the size of your forearm. I didn’t order that but mooched off other people that did.

As can be expected for a video game related party, the males outnumbered the females by a fair number. It was, however, nice to get the whole crew out of the office and into a bar for a change.

As a final note, on my way to the place, I saw Pierce Brosnan downtown doing an on location shoot. Though I’m at least 85% straight (a web site quiz told me so), I have no shame in admitting Brosnan is pretty good looking dude.