MYSTERY POST This post is going to make no sense, but I have to get it off my chest. It will only make sense to one person in the entire world, and I have no idea if he even reads my blog or even knows about my site. I don’t care, so here goes… ———————— … Continue reading

WANG FLIES UPDATE Several days ago, I linked to a story about one Chandan Goswami of Bengal, India, who is suffering from a rare condition in which live flies are emerging from his body, near his crotch. I was unable to provide any further details on his condition until today. After some intrepid ‘Net detective … Continue reading

THE ENIGMA MACHINE I found this article on-line while I was surfing on my lunch hour today. The topic: how to decipher signs from a girl that is romantically interested in you. I was quite interested in this piece because historically, I’ve required signs as overt as a metaphorical billboard to figure out what the … Continue reading