I sold and shipped my first ever item on eBay on the weekend. I sold some “old” 16GB DDR4 computer memory that I wasn’t using anymore because I got new RAM that was faster. Rather than just let it sit unused, I decided to sell it. Computer components, even those used, are at a bit of a premium right now, due to the pandemic and smaller supply. Memory isn’t that bad right now but I knew it would probably be popular.

My item got enough bids that it sold at a much higher price than I anticipated. At that higher price, that meant my new memory only cost me $30, which is great. Selling old stuff to offset the cost of new stuff is a timeless way to save money. Shipping my sold item turned out to be a bit of a hassle. eBay makes you use this shipping service called shippo to print out your mailing labels. I had to sign up for an account and then it attempted to contact the Canada Post web site to sign me up for an account on there. Whatever tech they use to talk to each other failed, so I couldn’t get a Canada Post account, which prevented me from printing out a mailing label. It was so frustrating to not be able to print out a simple mailing label with my buyer’s address.

I finally gave up on it, went to the Canada Post web site directly, which wasn’t down, and manually typed in the mailing address info, and created a mailing label there. After that, I just dropped the item off at the post office.

I also have a second item on sale on eBay. This is the old optical disc drive I have. It only has one bid that means it’ll sell for sure. When that auction is over, I’ll have to repeat the same BS with the mailing label as before. Sometimes making money is a hassle.


Last week I watched the movie Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn. In general, I think as DC movies go, it was not bad. It didn’t have any stupid moments like Batman vs. Superman did. They were really smart to not have to deal with the Joker in the movie as well.

The film also prominently featured an egg sandwich throughout the story. For a superhero movie of sorts, you rarely see food items so up front. YouTube star chef Andrew Rea recreates the sandwich in the above video. It does look pretty delicious.


So my initial thought about vacation this summer is that it would be a waste of vacation days to take time off during a pandemic where you can’t go anywhere, other than possibly inside your own province. Even then, you still have to be careful. I tend to leave the country when I go on vacation or at least leave the province but that’s not a likely scenario this summer. So, I’m original plan was to just keep all my vacation days until all of this blows over.

My latest thinking, however, is that it would suck not to have any extra days off this summer. Working from home is still work and there are days where I just wish I could not do work and just chill out. A co-worker of mine took yesterday off to go on a hike and that seemed like such a great idea. At the very least, I think I’ll take an extra day off with each remaining long weekend for the summer. I’ll probably take an odd vacation day here and there as well.


In a previous post, I wrote about my desire to start selling items on eBay. I figure it would be a good way to get rid of some items around my apartment and to make some money back.

Since writing that post, I’ve now listed two items for sale: some computer memory and an optical disc drive for PCs. The memory has been more popular so far. It has four bids already and more than happy to get paid that amount, even if no more people bid. The memory is quite new, so it’s not unexpected that it would be more popular than the optical drive. The drive has been listed for about half a day and there hasn’t been any bids yet. It’s quite a bit older, with that particular model released in 2008. Now you’re probably wondering why I’m selling something that old, especially for computer components. Well, it’s a somewhat rare drive that reads both Blu-ray and HD-DVD discs. If you don’t remember what HD-DVD discs are, I don’t blame you. About twelve years ago or so, there was a format war for who would be the successor to the DVD format. It was Blu-ray vs HD-DVD, with Blu-ray winning. HD-DVD players and compatible drives are somewhat of a novelty now, so I’m relying on that to find a buyer for it. I’ve seen the same drive listed for over $100 on eBay and I’ve priced it way lower than that. Someone please buy it!


We’re half way through June now and I would normally call this “summer time” (solstice notwithstanding). This, of course, is like no other summer we’ve experienced. There are very little travel plans. I was supposed to be back from Los Angeles on Saturday. There are no concerts. There are no food truck festivals. There are no large summer weddings. There are no large gatherings of any kind.

The weather isn’t even co-operating as its been very cold and rainy recently. Though, one could argue that is very typical of a Vancouver summer. This pandemic has lasted long enough that I perceive it through a lens of different phases now and not the phases that public health institutions have been using. For me, the first phase was in March, when all of this was very new, many things were unknown and uncertain, and there was a slight sense of fear and apprehension. As the months have fallen away on the calendar though, I feel like I’m in a second phase. This one has less unknowns and less apprehensive and fear. There’s a strange familiarity to everything that would have been deemed strange before. All the masks, sanitizers, distance between people, not seeing friends, not going to malls, and so forth, it’s just the way life is now. Under all of this is a sense of not being complacent. It’s natural to let your guard down a bit when nothing seems to be going wrong but that would be a mistake. I’m trying hard to continue to be safe and smart. I’m looking forward to the next phase but I’m not sure when that will be. For now, this is what summer looks like.


Well, after all these years, someone made a playable Lee Carvallo’s Putting Challenge from The Simpsons. If you’ve forgotten what that means, it’s the video game that Bart got instead of Bonestorm, which is the game he really wanted. The episode this is from has some lessons about being appreciative about gestures and reminding you it’s the thought that counts.

Anyways, if you finally want to play the game Bart didn’t want, you can do so now in your browser.


I just received my electricity bill, which is the first one that completely encompasses an entire cycle where I was working from home. There’s some good data to compare now. Let’s break it down compared to my last bill:

DatesDaysUsageAvg. daily usageCost
Feb. 5 – Apr. 156357 kWh6.38 kWh$63.40
Apr. 1 – Jun. 363522 kWh8.29 kWh$83.27
Electricity usage before work from home and during

So, the previous billing cycle includes the first two weeks when I worked from home, from mid-March on, thus the data isn’t completely clean. The comparison is still quite useful however. You can see a dramatic jump in the amount of electricity I used when I started to work from home. Just looking at the average daily usage, it’s about a 30% increase compared to the previous billing period where I was actually physically at work most days. In the “before times”, I was usually out of my home between around 9am to about 6:30pm each day, during that time I’m using minimal amounts of electricity at home.

Now, I’m home all day, using electricity for more hours of the day. On a normal work from home day, I have my desktop computer on, plus two monitors, and then my laptop. I also have a desk lamp on. When I’m at work, I normally have my hot water dispenser off. Now that I’m home all the time, this stays on from morning until I go to bed. On top of this, I cook way more than I did before. During this current billing period, nearly all my meals that I ate were prepared at home. That means my electric stove and convection toaster oven were all in use to make those meals.

Now you might be wondering where this increased cost of electricity falls in the grand scheme of all things financial. On average, this wound up being an extra $10 a month in electricity but that is offset by a whole bunch of other savings. Not having to pay for a transit pass, which was about $100 a month for me, already makes up for that. Preparing many more meals at home does use more electricity but the savings from not going to restaurants more than pays for itself. It’s definitely a fair trade. Lastly, my employer has recognized that some of our expenses have gone up. To combat this, they have decided to supplement our income by an $300 or so every quarter to pay for such things. This will last until our various locations are deemed safe to return to.


I’ve had my eBay account for about twenty years and in that time I’ve sold exactly one thing with it and that was an early access invite link to a new Gmail account when the service was still new. As you might imagine, this was a long time ago, probably around 2004.

It’s taken a while but I’ve decided to sell some physical items on the online auction site. It’s all computer or telecom equipment that I’ve had lying around that I no longer use. In this first batch, I have some old DDR4 computer memory, an old Blu-ray drive that also plays HD-DVDs, and a DSL modem.

Since I’ve never sold something that I’ve had to ship, I’m still learning how much to charge for shipping. It’s my understanding that eBay helps you figure this out when you create your ad. I’m also not sure if I should include a “buy it now” price option for these items. It also doesn’t help that I have no clue how to price the Blu-ray drive nor the DSL modem. There doesn’t appear to be a big market for either of these specific models, so I can’t rely on a lot of previous sales. Though, the drive can be seen as somewhat of an interesting novelty because HD-DVDs are no longer a thing, so having a drive that can play one could be quite valuable to someone.

I’m looking forward to making some extra money!!!


So I learned a neat trick a few days ago. There is a WordPress app that you can download and install for your smartphone. It allows you to write and edit posts directly from your phone. You can also read comments from people, edit comments, and delete spam comments. It essentially allows you to run your WordPress site from your phone. I’ve used it in the past to write posts if I was travelling or away from my computer.

Last week, I tried accessing this blog using the WordPress app. It didn’t work, it couldn’t grab the latest posts and comments. It looked like it was trying to log into my site but couldn’t. It was kinda odd since it worked before. The app was even up to date. Then, using a regular browser on my phone, I tried accessing this blog. It was not responding. It was as if this blog was down. Then I tried accessing the regular parts of this site, not related to WordPress at all. Those were unavailable as well. My initial thought that my entire site was down, that’s why the app didn’t work and why a browser couldn’t get anything from my site either. It turns out I was wrong.

After doing some experimenting, I realized that the app, somehow when it tries to log into my WordPress installation, it causes my entire site to be unresponsive for several minutes. I’m not sure why that is. My web host might be detecting the app as some sorta attack? Or is there a bug in the web server code that makes it not act nice with the app?

I think I may need to file a support ticket with either my host or WordPress to find out what’s going on.


On a whim today, I decided to buy a new computer case. I had been thinking about getting a new one for a while. My old computer case is ancient by PC standards. It’s heavy, comes from an era where we didn’t have glass side panels, and it doesn’t have mounts for solid state hard drives.

I picked a great time to be looking for a new PC case because there is apparently a shortage of cases due to a drop in manufacturing output, all because of that pesky pandemic we’re all fighting. Surprisingly, I somehow found a case in stock that looked good to me (I wanted a white case), had a good reviews, and also wasn’t stupidly expensive. After a few clicks on a web site, I was headed to a shop near Metrotown to pick up my new computer case. When I got there, the guy who rang up the sale said I was really lucky to get this particular one because most cases are in short supply and I got the last one of that model in the store.

After I ate dinner, I decided to take the evening to transfer over all my computer components from my old case to my new one. It shouldn’t have taken that long but I spent two and a half hours doing the whole transfer. This is only the second time where I’ve put all the components into a case by myself, so I’m not exactly a pro at it. This is also the first time I’ve installed everything in a modern case, where there’s a lot more emphasis on cable management and modular pieces.

My computer actually booted on the first try, which surprised me. Not one cable was plugged in the wrong place nor were any cables loose. In the video above, you can see the whole case is blinged out in RGB fans. It’s very bright but luckily you can turn off the RGB lighting if you want. You’ll also note that the third fan isn’t spinning. That’s because my motherboard is a bit old and back then, they didn’t think anyone would need to have any more than two case fans in their PC, so there’s only two plugs for case fans. To contrast that, new motherboards now apparently have up to six plugs for case fans.

Well, that was a fun way to spend a Sunday.