It seems like every weekend I do battle with the ants. This afternoon I opened looked underneath my bathroom sink to find three or four ants just chilling, like they owned my apartment.

I vacuumed them all up because I wanted to see how and where they were getting in. I wasn’t convinced I got it right the last time I made some observations. So I just sat down on my bathroom floor with a flashlight and just waited for new ants to emerge.

After a few minutes, I saw two ants, at the side of the cabinet, and I had no idea how they got there. It looked like they just materialized out of thin air. It took about 30 more minutes and observing four or five more ants to realize they were coming in and out of two separate points of ingress. These were areas I had not noticed before.

One of them was a tiny hole near the ground where the tile meets the wall. The other was a wide gap near the top of the sink cabinet. This gap went behind a panel in the cabinet, which I realized I had to remove if I was gonna get full access to the gap to seal it off.

The panel was held in place with eight screws, all of which were hard to get at. To remove these screws, I had to get on back and laid down inside the cabinet. It’s also one of those situations where something is easier to remove than to put back. When it’s time to attach it again, I won’t have anything to hold it place while I awkwardly put the screws back in. That’s a future me problem however.

Armed with this new knowledge and access, I grabbed some sealant, put on my respirator, and sealed up these points of ingress. Every single time I seal more areas off, I quietly hope this is the last time I need to do this, at least for the bathroom area. So far, every time I check the next day or so, I see more ants.

Let’s not even talk about the kitchen situation.


So Post Malone is doing a collaboration with the game I work on. Now before you think this is some lame corporate deal with a celebrity, Posty is and has been a huge fan of our game for a long time now. If you do a search, it won’t take you long to find footage of him playing our game. I can also tell you this, he has more hours in the game than I do, by a wide margin. He’s also way better at the game than me, though that’s not saying a lot.

Anyways, he partnered with us to help design some of the cosmetics for the event and as you can see, he made a pretty cool trailer with us as well. I’ve been making games for a long time now and it’s always exciting to me to see things like this.


I purchased clothes hangers for the first time in my life this week. I’d never had to do that before. When I moved into my apartment many years ago, I just grabbed a whole bunch of those wire hangers from my parents’ place and used those. Over the years, I’d do dry cleaning and those establishments would return your clothes on hangers. In that fashion, I’d accumulate and gain new hangers.

Over the last few years, I’ve done a lot less dry cleaning, so the number of new hangers coming into my closet has gone done to zero. I’ve continued to buy new clothes however and it got to the point where I just ran out of unused hangers.

For weeks now, some of my clothes have just sat in the dryer or on my couch, without place to go. I finally did something about it and ordered a pack of 20 hangers on Amazon. They’re the nice kind with the fake velvet coating. This will come in handy when I hang up my cheap t-shirts and jogging pants.

Anyways, I’m one step closer to being a full-fledged adult now.


After taking a week off, I got off my ass and decided to tackle my ant problem again. I decided to concentrate on the bathroom front because that’s where I think I’m closest to solving the problem. I’ll worry about the kitchen later.

After sealing off a ton of gaps, I am still seeing three or four ants underneath my bathroom sink. There are obviously points of ingress I am missing. I now have some heat-resistant tape, so I used it to seal around the incoming hot water pipe that comes out from the wall. I used regular tape to seal around the cold water pipe.

I have a lot of silicone sealant left, so I sealed off a whole bunch of other gaps that are underneath the sink as well. My theory is that behind my whole bathroom sink cabinet, the ants have basically established a beachhead there. They’ve come up from the unit below via the water pipes and via gaps between the bathroom sink cabinet and the walls, they are getting into my apartment. The bathroom sink cabinet itself has gaps, which I’m trying to seal up.

Once I sealed up a whole bunch of gaps, I sat there, just observing, trying to seeing new ants and where they were popping up from. I looked away for a like second and when my gaze returned, I saw an ant near one of the front corners of the cabinet. Where the hell did it come from? It didn’t spawn from thin air. It also didn’t drop down. So it must have come from somewhere near by. I got down real low and put my head down near the floor and tried to look up from below the cabinet. It was then I realized there was a massive space at the bottom of the cabinet between the cabinet wall and the wall of my bathroom. I’m not describing it correctly but suffice to say, it was a void space that could theoretically be open all the way to the back of the cabinet, the opening of which was probably two inches by half an inch. It was in a really awkward spot, so even if I had sealing foam, there’s no way to get a dispenser in there. What I could use was duct tape. I had to use a small mirror to help me guide the tape but I sealed it off.

I’m still not done because now that I know what I’m looking for, I discovered yet another set of gaps that open up into the back of the sink cabinet. By then, I was just so tired and wanting to eat fried chicken that I decided to call it quits for the day. I had made progress, so it was time to be just happy about that.

The battle continues.


About two weeks ago I bought a new 10″ stainless steel frying pan from Misen. As a kid, the thought of getting a new frying pan would have bored me into despair. As an adult, however, I was incredibly excited to get such a thing.

I’ve been wanting to get rid of all non-stick cookware for a long time now and my larger non-stick frying pan was the only piece left. That pan got a lot of use because it was large and could cook several pieces of protein all at once, and I was able to make sauces in it. Yes, the non-stick coating is nice but you can use a stainless steel pan and keep the sticking to a minimum as well.

Now when I my meal kit recipes call for non-stick pan, I use my stainless steel one. I just ensure the pan is hot enough before I start cooking and I use enough oil to coat the pan as well (without it being too oily). The Misen pan is great because it’s a bit deeper than my old non-stick, which is good for sauces and liquids. I’ve made orzo in that pan and it can hold enough liquid to do that without any issues. I also don’t want to seem like a show off but I’ve also been able to make scrambled eggs in stainless steel pans with nearly no sticking at all.

I have one more meal kit to make for the week and it involves poaching some fish in a tomato sauce in a pan. I can’t wait to use that pan again!


I have an Instagram account that is not associated to my name directly and I use it to follow some, um, accounts without judgment. The Instagram algorithm is so weird because it tries to show me accounts that I’m not following and you can tell it’s trying to show me posts from all sorts of different interests to see what I wind up interacting with.

The latest thing the algorithm thinks I’d be interested in is “anti-work” accounts that post memes and videos about the grinding nature of capitalism, jobs, and the cliche of the 9-5 workday. I gotta admit, some of the stuff is pretty funny, so I’ve “like” a few of these posts, which probably only encourages the algorithm to show me more of these posts.

Alright, I gotta go to bed so I can be rested for my job that I have that allows me to relate to all these workplace memes.


I had a coffee at 4pm because I thought I was gonna be sleepy in the evening. I didn’t get a whole lot of sleep last night and I had to be up for a 9am meeting this morning. Well, the coffee probably worked too well. I didn’t feel very tired at all during the evening and I’m super wide awake now and it’s time to go to sleep.

Maybe I’ll go buy lottery tickets online for a few hours.


It’s been a while since I had an ant update. In the bathroom, things aren’t perfect. Sometimes I see about four or five ants just milling about underneath the sink. It’s difficult to tell where they’re coming in from still but there are a few places I haven’t seal off yet. In one case, I swear I saw two really small ants move in between where I had already sealed it off with silicone. I realized the silicone sealant I bought is very viscous when it comes out of the tube. So rather than it naturally to flowing into the gaps like a liquid, it sorta sits on the gap instead. The seal isn’t that great because of that. I think I might need to reapply the sealant again and this time use a finger dipped in water to press the sealant into the gaps fully.

On the kitchen sink front, the picture above tells you how it’s going. The ants are still having no problems getting into the area. There are still so many areas I need to tape off. I bought some heat resistant tape on the weekend. Some gaps and holes that I already taped off with duct tape are exposed again because the heat from the hot water is causing the duct tape to lose adhesion. Hopefully this new tape will stay in place, even under heat.

This week, I also need to buy a can of expanding foam for those really large gaps and voids that need sealing off. It’s a pain in the ass to have to keep doing all this stuff but I cannot let these ants share my apartment with me. They ain’t paying the mortgage so they gotta go.


I think I know what made me break out in hives. It was a pair of dish washing gloves I was using. I noticed that after I used them, my hands got all itchy and the parts of my body where the hives were started to get itchy again.

These were latex gloves and I’m fairly certain I’ve come into contact with latex many, many times before. Most of the gloves I’ve used to clean my dishes and cleaning in general have been made from latex. What made this pair of gloves different? I’m not sure. Maybe I was reacting to something in the gloves that wasn’t latex and some other substance or chemical. These were dollar store gloves, so who knows what kind of quality control was involved with them.

In any case, I threw them out and then went to Shoppers Drug Mart and bought some brand name dish washing gloves, which were still latex. I’ve used these several times now and my body hasn’t reacted to them at all.

It remains a bit of mystery but maybe I won’t be buying dollar store gloves for a while.