Tonight, TBS aired Conan O’Brien’s last show on their network. After three incarnations of his late night TV show, Conan is now done with the format. His career in late night goes back to 1993 but even before then, he found success as a writer at Saturday Night Live and The Simpsons. I remember he used to position himself as the nervous rookie in late night who knew nothing, surrounded by giants like Letterman and Leno. He is now the elder statesman of TV.
Conan isn’t retiring though. He and some of his staff will take a few months to create a new show for HBO Max. No one knows what the show will be or how many they’ll make in a year but we do know it’ll be different than the traditional late night TV show.
Congrats to Conan and all his staff (past and present) for an amazing run that has spanned decades and thousands of shows. Thank you for providing me with countless laughs and enjoyment.