Among the many items of free food that Radical offers daily is a salad bar. As a dude who perpetually struggles with eating enough vegetables on a regular basis, the salad bar is something I should be definitely visiting more than say, the potato chip rack. I have to admit though, I haven’t really been eating too many salads at work. I attribute this mainly to the selection of salad dressings they have. None of them look very appetizing at all and I’m not going to just eat a bowl of raw vegetables like a bunny of sorts.
Then the genius switch turned on for me. I decide to bring in my own salad dressing. After I flirted with the idea of buying a deep fryer at Superstore, I meandered over to the salad dressing aisle and bought me a bottle of raspberry vinaigrette. That stuff is tasty. I now have about two servings of salad a day. It’s quite delicious when I eat it but I’m hungry again about a half hour later. It certainly doesn’t satisfy me like a bag of chips does. Nothing beats grease when it comes to making you feel like you’ve had something substantial.
And that’s my story about salad.