I know I complain about the weather a lot on this thing but I have to admit, this has been one of the most mild winters I’ve experienced in many years. A year ago, we experienced one of the worst snowstorms in recent memory. It took people upwards of eight hours to commute home.

This winter, so far, has been quite pleasant. Not only have the temperatures remained well-above freezing, the usual rain that is a staple of Vancouver winters has stayed away for the most part. It’s been dry enough that it’s beginning to worry some experts because it could lead to more drought.

I have no complaints at all. The dryer weather means driving is easier. The warmer temperatures means being outside is less of a hassle and I haven’t had to break out my warmer clothes. It also means I’m less tempted to turn on the heat and thus increasing my hydro bill. It’s all good to me. Let the warm days continue.

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