Every night after I crawl into bed, I take my phone, get Google to listen to me, and then I ask it to turn off all my lights. The lights in my bedroom, living room, and kitchen turn off.
As a kid, I used to daydream about the “home of the future”, where I could ask some sorta computerized home assistant to turn on or off my lights. This is now possible and even commonplace. More than half the lights in my place are now controllable over the Internet. Beyond turning some lights just on or off, I can even dim them and control the warmth of the light, and the colour. Ten year-old me would be pretty amazed at how much of my home I control with just my voice or my phone.
Now that I think of it, ten year-old me would also be blown away by my large TV that’s thinner than a sandwich and as bright as the sun (compared to a CRT). I hope I’ll be just as amazed about something like that ten years from now.