I was driving to my parents’ place on the weekend when I passed by a dental clinic that boasted the installation of the first dental chair in British Columbia designed specifically for wheelchair patients. It was then I realized I never thought about how people in wheelchairs go to the dentist. I assumed they just wheeled themselves in and then either moved themselves or were assisted into the regular chair that every dentist office has.

It got me thinking and I guess it’s easier for the wheelchair patient to stay in their chair instead of having to move from one place to another for the dental work. I did the some Googling and there’s a gallery of supposedly the only type of chair in the world that accommodates wheelchair patients. Interesting!


My deep clean of my closets is almost done. I bought six transparent containers to store the stuff that I didn’t throw out. Most of them have been filled, just need to figure out where the rest of the items should go.

I also need to a few more banker boxes to store a crap-ton of documents that were just loose everywhere. My closets will be much cleaner, more organized, and easier to clean in the future.

I regret not taking a before photo, so I contrast it with the after.


I don’t have much to say tonight but I will say that it disturbs me that the Boston Bruins are in the Eastern Conference finals in the NHL playoffs. I dislike the team from Beantown and I am a new Carolina Hurricanes fan. Please Justin Williams and company, defeat the Bruins in seven games or less.


I’ve had poke bowls for dinner twice now in the last two weeks and I’ve made the decision that the seaweed salad that’s in almost every type of bowl is a terrible addition. It tastes gross and the texture is awful. It feels like you have a mouthful of hair that you’ve pulled out a bathtub drain. It doesn’t taste much better than that too.

Who actually like that stuff? How do you manage to choke it down? Awful. The next time I order a poke bowl, I’ll try to skip the seaweed salad.


I was again awoken this morning by some construction noise way before my alarm was scheduled to go off. I suspect it’s the apartment complex next door again. They’re finishing up the sidewalk and it must be related to that. All I know is it was loud enough to wake me up.

I get why people go live in the country or at least go vacation there. They go for the absolute peace and quiet. I don’t think I could ever live in a rural place but I get why people go live there. My parents live in a suburb, just like me but it’s one of the quietest places I’ve ever been. It’s like a five minute walk from a Skytrain station, yet it’s eerily quiet. It’s been years since I last slept over there but you can sleep all you want there.

Ok, I need to get to bed.


On the weekend, I was doing the some deep spring cleaning of my closets and I discovered some chequebooks that I forgot I had. When you’re an adult stuff like this is genuinely exciting because I thought I had run out of cheques. CIBC wanted to charge me $50 for a new set of cheques and I balked at the idea. Instead, I started using my Tangerine chequing account since I already had cheques with them and their re-order fee is only $20. I did this despite using my CIBC chequing account is way more convenient. To write a Tangerine cheque, I have to move money between accounts from one bank to another. It’s definitely a hassle but I put up with it because I don’t want to give CIBC money for new cheques.

Now that I have these re-discovered cheques, life gets a little bit easier.


The game I’m working on was perhaps revealed on the Internet by someone outside of the team who broke several rules in doing so. The title I’m working on hasn’t been publicly announced in full.

Yesterday, an outside party broke a non-disclosure agreement and wrote some information on the Internet. Some of these details were wrong, which I found interesting. They must have interpreted some things incorrectly and made assumptions.

The Internet is a fickle place. I bet this person is in trouble now.


It may only get up to sixteen degrees tomorrow but I’m thinking about wearing shorts. Some people at work have already started wearing the short pants. I’m usually one of those dudes who waits until it gets up to twenty before exposing my legs but I feel like shaking things up.