Last evening I went to go dump my food waste in the compost bin in the garbage bin. On my way back through the utility corridor to the lobby elevators I noticed something blue and familiar on ground. I went to pick it up and it was what I thought it was, a five-dollar bill. As I took the bill in my hand, I looked back at the security camera that was undoubtedly filming me at that moment. I’m very aware of most of the cameras in the common areas in my apartment building so I basically know when I might be recorded.
I put the five-dollar bill in my pocket and went on my way. Earlier this week I saw a quarter on the ground at work and I didn’t pick it up. It wasn’t worth the effort or time. If it had been a loonie I would have. That’s where I’m at now. In days of yonder, people would have stopped to pick up a penny. Now we don’t even have pennies anymore.
Now this might sound strange but I’m going to e-mail the property manager to see if anyone reports their lost five-dollar bill. What I haven’t told you is that when I found the bill, there was something distinctive about it. I won’t reveal what that was but the person who lost it would definitely know. Most people wouldn’t even bother turning in a five-dollar bill but I guess for better or for worse, I’m not like most people. I’m keeping the money though if no one claims it.
Congratulations on your windfall.
Thanks buddy!