Last week, I returned home to find a massive, giant streak of bird poop on one of the glass panels that line the edge of my balcony. Based on the size of this streak, about ten inches long by two inches wide, I’m assuming a bald eagle or a condor had perched on the railing, was facing toward my apartment, and took a whopper of a dump. In the four years I’ve been living here, I’ve seen just one bird on my balcony, so it’s rare (at least when I’m around) for a bird visit. Maybe this was an emergency poop.

Anyways, I was thinking I’d probably have to deal with this myself as I wasn’t sure when the window cleaners were coming to clean our building. They do this about once a year during the summer. Rather than being proactive and just cleaning myself, I procrastinated. Being lazy paid off, because today I saw a notice that the window cleaners are here this week. I’m also super lucky that bird decided to poop onto the outside of that glass panel. The cleaners are only obligated to clean the outside of the panel because they deem the inside to be accessible by me, so I gotta clean that side. Thanks bird for pooping the right way.

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