It’s now late September and the long, hot days of summer are at an end. Indeed, this Sunday is the fall equinox. Here in Vancouver, summer is hanging on as we’ve had some surprisingly sunny and relatively warm days this week. No matter how good the weather though, the sun is starting to set earlier and earlier, the temperatures don’t quite get up to where they were before, and the nights are beginning to feel cooler.
In fact, the last couple of evenings, the wind picked up and there was a noticeable chill in my apartment. I’ve had my sliding patio door wide open since probably late May. It hasn’t been closed since. I thought about sliding it closed just a bit, not all the way, but I resisted. It was mostly out of stubbornness, as a refusal to accept this great summer was coming to an end. Soon winter will be upon us and once again I’ll try to go another cold season without turning on my heat. I wish I could say I was looking forward to it but visiting Hawaii would be a lot better.