I have now experienced enough first days on the job at video game companies that I believe they will never deviate from anything other first days I’ve had.

I arrived at work this morning where I signed some papers and was shown to my desk. From there, I spent some time setting up my workstation to my own personal preferences. I then had to download, install, and configure most of the applications that I will need to be productive. From there, I read some documents and the company wiki.

At this point, I had enough equipment around me that I was able to play the game that I’ll be working on. I was able to try it out on an iPad, Xbox 360, and my PC. Since you’re absolutely useless on your first day, that was pretty much all that was expected of me today, just play the game.

Of course there was all the rest of the normal stuff as well like being introduced to a whole bunch of people whose name I instantly forgot. Before long, it was time to go home. Hopefully, in a few more days I’ll feel a little more useful.

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