The above video shows how one little girl made her father the proudest papa in the galaxy. Sariah Gallego and her family went to Disneyland. She and her brother got picked to participate in a Star Wars show. The act is pretty much scripted. The kids that get selected are supposed to get about 30 seconds where they duel with Darth Vader, providing the audience (and their parents) with a neat photo op. I’d say the majority of the kids go along with the act since Vader is the bad guy and kids are supposed to be Jedi (or Padawans).
Ms. Gallego wasn’t having any of that. I guess she thought the Dark Side was way more fun. She did the kneel thing perfectly. Just like the way Vader did it in Empire. If I were her father, I’d be beaming with pride for the next year. Unfortunately, the fake Windu got so flustered he quickly ushered her off-stage.
You’re doing great Dad! Keep on with the good parenting!
I don’t blame her. That Obi Wan guy was “a bit of a douche.”
If you lived on Coruscant and was on the Jedi Council, then was forced to live in a hovel on a desolate planet for 18 years while watching some whiny kid grow up, you’d do some “douchy” things too.
Young Obi-wan rocked!