Girl power week continues here at For today’s post, we have a video of an eleven year-old girl using a semi-automatic at the shooting range. She’d be very valuable during the zombie apocalypse. Not only does she know how to use a firearm, she’s small enough to get into tight spaces to search for food and supplies.
Yep, she’d definitely make the team when it come to fighting zombies and/or crime. Which means in turn if we lived in a world with zombies or superpowers I would likely get shot by her.
Ah Frank, I would never let you get turned in a zombie world. As long as we didn’t have Pat guarding the staircase, we’ll be fine.
Shit, I got a lot of work to do as a dad, my girls don’t even know how to use butterfly knives yet. At least Lucy’s favorite Star Wars character is Vader. I got that right.
I think you’re doing fine so far Dave! Good job with Lucy! We’ll take Lucy to shoot semi-automatics in Vegas in a few years!