Wow, I just realized my last post was my 2500th post. What a shame it was a terrible, terrible piece of writing. Well, they all can’t be good ones. If you want to read a good one, go read this one. Anyways, I’m disappointed I didn’t bring any special guests along for just an important milestone. If I had known it was my 2500 post, I woulda gotten Tom Hanks as one of my guests and Neil Young would have played two songs. Let’s see what I can do for post 3000.
Well, if you live in Vancouver you know it snowed tonight. There is, however, a 90% chance that as we all sleep tonight, magical rains will wash all the snow away. Just about every single snow storm in Vancouver happens like that. People are saying everyone should take extra time to commute tomorrow because there will be delays all over, even if you drive or if you take transit. I’m going go against that advice and leave even later in the morning. I wonder how that will work out.
I’m getting old and frail. I spent all of ten minutes outside on Monday morning and my entire top lip got wind chapped. It’s dry as a desert on my upper lip. If you could take a look at it with a microscope, you would see tiny camels and nomadic tribes living there. I still refuse to use lip balm though. Also, the people who share lip balm? Gross. Stop doing that.
I promise post 2502 will be better.
What’s wrong with lip Balm (not shared, of course). Here is a scenario to think about. My Lips and skin at the corner of my mouth get so chapped that the skin breaks. I can get small “cut like” wounds which in turn have a hard time healing since every time I open my mouth to eat, I open the wound again. So imagine having a hard time eating, and not enjoying your meal to the fullest extent, all due to not applying lip balm.
The texture of lip balm disagrees with me. I don’t like the feel of it.