As some of you already know, I’m gingerly looking into purchasing some real estate to perhaps live in. The once “crazy hot” real estate market in the Lower Mainland has cooled off somewhat to a level I can only describe as only “hot” now.

Over the weekend, I saw a brand new one-bedroom condo in New West that was the first place that was reasonably priced. For $232K, it’s well within my price range but it’s a tad small at 562 sq. feet. Also, the view from all the windows in the place face the loading docks of Royal Columbian hospital. There’s also a weirdly angled wall in the living room which you’re forced to place your flat panel TV on since that’s where the cable hookup is. The bedroom is tiny as well which forces you to put your bed in a single position. The saving grace is perhaps the kitchen which is roomy, with nice cabinets, counter tops, and black appliances.

Just because its the first reasonably priced place doesn’t mean I’ll be putting in an offer anytime soon. The search continues.


While most of us think of relaxing and tame things to do during the summer, I have two friends who are embarking on an exciting and remarkable journey through two continents, all done on motorbikes. Tyson and Tom, whom I both met while living at SJC, are part of a four-man team traveling from London to Cape Town. They are doing the entire trip without any external support and their number will dwindle down to three when one of the riders departs them in Turkey due to other commitments.

As you can imagine, this will be quite the adventure. A trip across Europe on motorbikes in itself would be a worthy experience but add on the journey through Africa and you’ve got yourself a story to tell the grandkids. I would expect things to go rather smoothly until they leave Egypt. Beyond there, the situation becomes much more dynamic as several of the countries they plan to cross have varying levels of political, social, and economic stabilities. They plan on monitoring events on a day by day basis and are prepared to modify routes as necessary. Nevertheless, the pictures they will take in Africa will no doubt be stunning, not to mention the stories they’ll have to tell.

Though Tyson just learned how to ride in 2005, this is the second major trip he undertaken. He and “The Kid” were part of a team that rode through South America last summer. They both have taken their inspiration to ride from actor Ewan McGregor, who has done some pretty impressive motorcycle trips for a Jedi Master.

The team left London on the third of this month and are already deep into eastern Europe. Before leaving, Tom developed a web site to document their travels. I encourage you to visit and perhaps to even donate to the charities they’ve taken up the cause for. Also, have a look at Tyson’s blog and Tom’s blog for more personable updates on the adventure.

Gents, if you happen to be reading this in a Bulgarian Internet cafe somewhere, I wish you all the luck for a safe, exciting, and amazing journey!


I almost bought Metal Gear Solid 4 today. That’s an interesting statement considering I don’t own a PS3 and MGS4 is a PS3 exclusive. Also consider I own a Xbox 360 and the thought of buying GTA IV never even crossed my mind.

If I did buy a copy I’d have to play it at work. I’ve got a PS3 dev kit at my desk and it plays retail games! That sounds logical but the 360 dev kits don’t play store bought games.

For breakfast this morning, I had scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast.


It’s expected that tomorrow morning at 11am, Vancouver Canuck legend Trevor Linden will announce his retirement from professional hockey. The press conference at GM Place will mark the end of an incredible two decade long career.

It’s hard to describe what Linden’s tenure with the Canucks has meant to city of Vancouver, from both a hockey and community service point of view. Let’s start with the hockey stuff. Linden was draft second overall exactly twenty years ago tomorrow. He was the Canucks first-round pick in 1988. Vancouver had a horrible history of first-round picks, with most of their chosen players winding up to be disappointments. Linden broke that string of bad luck, posting great numbers in his first season. He wound up second in voting for the rookie of the year award at just eighteen years old.

His impact and growth as a player led the team back to a sense of respectability around the league. At 21, he became the youngest Canuck captain in history and back then was the youngest NHL captain ever (Sidney Crosby has since taken that title). As his successes as a player grew over the years, it was ultimately the 1994 season that will forever define Linden’s hockey history in Vancouver. GM/coach Pat Quinn had assembled a story book team that made an improbable run to the Stanley Cup finals. Though there were many, many Canuck heroes in the spring of 1994, it was Linden’s performance in game seven of the finals that I will always remember. He scored the only two goals that the Canucks got in that game. You could almost see him try to win the game based on sheer will. Alas, the Canucks fell a single goal short. When time ran out, there was a camera shot of Linden on one knee on the ice, next the boards. His gloves were off and his hands were to his face. He looked tired. He had given it everything he had.

I think from then on, Linden’s place in Canucks’ history was pretty much assured. It’s now weird to think Linden actually spent three years away from Vancouver. Which I must say, if I ever meet Mike Keenan in person, I’ll certainly let him know I’m a Trevor Linden fan (and that’s putting it politely). Once back as a Canuck and in his twilight years, Linden’s role changed. He was relied on less for scoring and more for leadership. It was an honour to attend his last game.

Though his hockey credentials are indeed impressive, it’s Linden’s community service that has endeared him to an entire city. Though Linden participates in many charitable functions, his dedication to children’s charities for two decades resonates deeply with the city. He is a frequent visitor to BC’s Children’s hospital and Canuck Place, a hospice for children. Though we’ve all seen athletes pose with sick kids, Linden’s dedication to cause goes beyond the photo op. I cannot think of another athlete that has the class and dignity to actually attend the funerals of some of the kids that didn’t make it. That Linden had that much impact on the families involved speaks volumes about his character. Among the many accolades he has received for his service to the community, Linden was awarded the Order of British Columbia in 2003.

It’s expected that Linden’s number 16 jersey will be retired next season and raised to the rafters of GM Place. When that happens, I’ll steal a line from Jim Hughson and say we’ll honour “a great hockey player but an even better person.”


I didn’t shave my face on the weekend. I guess I didn’t shave my nether regions either but that’s for another post. Anyways, when I woke up this morning I was kinda late so I decided to gain some time back but forgoing the shaving.

My ploy worked as I was not late for work. The interesting thing is when I got back home this evening, I realized I had the beginnings of a really poor looking beard. This was of course not a surprise to me. For about two decades, I’ve known I’ll never be able to grow a nice beard. My facial hair grows in a series of patches. The longer it gets, the more crappy it looks. It’s a good thing that I’m not an NHL player because my playoff beard would be dreadful.

Ok, I gotta end it here, I need to watch the end of Cloverfield.


For a pretty small operation, I’m always surprised when this web site turns up as a top five Google search result for anything. For a few years now, this site is top five result for the search term “yub nub“. For a Star Wars related phrase, I’m quite happy about that.

Just in the last week or so, this site has been turning up as top five result for another search. If you Google “mucous seal“, I’m right near the top of the list. Each day, I get about two or more people visiting this site because they were looking for “mucous seal” information. All this results from this post which three years ago, chronicled the removal of a small, benign cyst from the bottom of my mouth.

Given the number of hits I get, this seems like a common thing for people to have. It’s a shame that the original comments for that post were lost. In those comments, Gwilli linked to a hilarious hand drawn picture of what he though a mucous seal was… a seal covered in gross mucous.


So last night I was taking a smoke break in between looking at porn when I spotted the Google ad you see above. It features an Asian woman being a caressed by a white dude who I’ll only describe as “interesting”. His embrace sends off creepy vibes to me. I’m not sure why.

Now, in the over ten years of surfing the Internet, I think I’ve clicked on maybe five ads in total. The ad above though, was too tempting to resist. Once clicked, I was taken to a special, special place called I know for a fact there are a ton of mail-order bride web sites out there but this was the first one that I’d perused in detail.

The most compelling thing I found first was the “success stories” page. It’s filled with testimonials from happy couples who were formed using the site. It’s here where the whole thing takes on the nature of a slo-mo car wreck. You kinda don’t want to look but you have to. The first thing you see is that many couples have decided to post pics of themselves. Now maybe I shouldn’t be surprised but the majority of the couples are older, white, and at times, weird looking dudes paired up with Chinese ladies about 10+ years their junior. Some of the couples are just uncomfortable to look at. It’s like if I started to date say… Danica McKellar. What an odd choice for me to pick. I actually thought I’d choose Megan… ah… Danica McKellar… she’s so smart… I wonder if we’d do integrals together… what?

So yeah, just read what some of these dudes have written:

“If you want to find love, Chinese woman first are beautiful and they want to please the man that love them. It’s very important that you be honest as they are and they will love you forever. I couldn’t have done this without them. Thank you again.”

That comes from a dude who looks like Wilfred Brimley. Now granted, I’m of an open mind, meaning that I am quite sure that at least a few of these relationships aren’t motivated by citizenship desires. In fact, a few of the pictures show couples where the male is very close in age to the lady and he’s not hideous looking either.

Go have a look for yourself, it’s quite an eye-opening experience.


I’ve decided I’m going to hang both my skateboard decks I own on the big column next to my desk at work. So far, all the column has done for me is block all the natural lighting coming from the windows. At least this way, it’ll be doing me some good.

If you’re like me, you are probably wondering how you mount a deck on a wall. According to Google, this is the best way.