I’ve been in my room doing work for about six hours now. Not surprisingly, I only have a small amount of tangible proof that I have been doing work.
I did some reading to understand how to do a question for an assignment. I wrote some code for another class that may or may not work. I loosely formulated a test plan for the software engineering project I’m doing. Currently, I am working on the outline of my lecture that I’m giving next Tuesday. It’s the one on video game testing. I’m finding more and more things to talk about. I am worried these details might get boring. We will see.
Earlier in the day, I bought some new Swiffer wet cloths. These ones have a citrus scent to them. This evening, I started Swiffering my floor. My room smells like an orchard full of oranges and lemons now!
I have been in my room too long tonight.