I wrote my last final exam of the year on Saturday. It will not go down as the best exam I have ever written. I think I passed, but we’ll have to wait and see. If I do pass, I bet it will be by the skin of my teeth.

In any case, that’s all behind me now. As I left the exam, I felt a feeling that I haven’t had for many years. I felt that unexplainable sense of relief. I wouldn’t have to study or read another textbook for another four months. The end of Christmas exams don’t offer the same relief. Sure it’s good to be done, but you’re immediately immersed into holiday madness. With spring exams, you’re just released into freedom, no presents to buy and no relatives to see.

As the feeling of relief subsides, some students enter into what I call “golden time”. It’s the time when you don’t have any more school responsibilities but your summer/work responsibilities haven’t started yet. For some grad students, this doesn’t apply since their research forces them to work year-round. The golden time is the best though for those who have it. After studying your ass off for months, you don’t have to do anything anymore. You can sleep in, watch TV and movies, go shopping, drink, go out, meet with old friends, and spend lots of $$$ that you really shouldn’t.

How long do I have this spring? I really can’t say since I don’t have a job yet. I really need to find a job in the next two weeks. If my search goes beyond that, I’m going to be really worried. Most of the summer hiring here at UBC goes on in the next 14 days.

In the meantime, I’m going to have as much fun as I can in the next little while. Actually, I have one little thing to do this week that won’t be so fun, but that’s the topic for another post.

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