I had to walk across campus today to go to a meeting. What a nice day for the walk! Thumbs up!
Category: Uncategorized
I officially have bad hair. With my work schedule it’s been difficult to get out to where I get my hair cut.
My hair is straight outta the early 80s now. It’s got no style to it. It just exists. Somehow, I grew this huge wall of hair out front. I can’t control it. It alone decides where to go on my head. My hair is also getting kinda long in the back. It’s still not mullet length but it’s damn close.
I bet you’re wondering why I haven’t taken a picture of my hair and posted it here. Well for one, I’m not really sure this is something I’d like to save for posterity, and two, it’s getting late.
I really, really need to get my hair cut this week.
Tonight I went and saw Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle. The TV commercials may look kinda stupid, but as far as comedies go, it’s a pretty good movie. There are plenty of laugh out loud moments. It’s also got Neil Patrick Harris in it. You can bet any movie with NPH in it will be a good one.
I also enjoyed the movie because, for a change, the two male leads weren’t your typical “Hollywood” actors. When was the last time you saw a Korean and Indian guy carry a movie? The movie touched upon the reality of being a visible minority in North America, but in a very funny and entertaining way.
And for the record, Phil and I went to get some fast food after the movie. Extreme!
I have decided I will take tonight to clean both my room and my bathroom. I will use my new citrus-scented Swiffer Wet cloths.
If you know me, two things I love talking about are Will Ferrell and the White House. Lucky for me, I’ve found something that combines the two. It’s called White House West. Go have a look. Be entertained. Get informed. Thanks to Matt Farish for the link.
As I type this my site and e-mail are down, but of course, if you’re reading this, then everything will have been fixed.
I’ve put a call into the proper parties and I hope they can figure out what has gone wrong.
Thank you for your patience.
I wish I could write something substantial, but I am really, really tired right now. In the meantime, please look at this plate of fried chicken.
It is before 7am and I am unhappy to report that I’ve had less than three hours sleep. Why? Because of that damn Wreck Beach fire.
It’s hard to sleep when helicopters are landing outside your window every 15 minutes or so. More later. Arrggggghhh.
I got my new digital camera today. It’s smaller than my old camera and everything seems to be a little more thought out in terms of functionality.
Tonight, we had a little combined birthday party for Rhonda and Carolyn. I made use of the video feature on my camera.
bday.mov – 8.1 Mb (Quicktime required)
I’m going to try to get some video editing software to tweak the sizes and add in titles and transitions. Star wipe!