I relented last night and turned on the heat for the first time since last winter. It’s been getting quite chilly at night and the evening before last, I tried sleeping without the heat. I woke up with the room seemingly colder than it was when I slipped into bed. I also had a headache. That was enough to convince me to at least turn the heat on in my bedroom.
Didn’t I just put away my winter coat last week?
So, the heat is on. On the street?>>Is it inside your head, on every beat?>>Well, let me tell you, the beat’s so loud, deep inside, the pressure’s high, just to stay alive.>>All because the heat is on.
why are you singing to erwin?
Singing? I don’t get it.
wasn’t your message the lyrics to Glenn Frey’s song ..”the heat is on”?
I have no idea what you’re talking about.