
I’m going bowling tomorrow! It will be the first time I’ve done so since grade two. By my calculations, that’s about 47 years ago. As part of a field trip, my second grade class went to Maillardville Lanes to learn how the movie The Big Lebowski would be filmed twenty years later. True story.

Since then, I admit I have bowled virtually countless times. Starting off in my C64 days where I vaguely remember playing some PBA sanctioned game. Perhaps it wasn’t officially PBA sanctioned but damnit, it sure felt like it had PBA approval. Of course, we now have modern day virtual bowling thanks to Wii Sports where strangely, I’ve had the most intense competition from little children ages 8 and under.

Tomorrow, I will venture off to Commodore Lanes for approximately two hours of bowling as part of a St. Paddy’s Day team event. It’s like a dream come true, bowling with my co-workers. I’m not sure if anyone is going to bowl a 300 game tomorrow but it should be fun. By the way, the dude in video above finished his game with a score of 299. It doesn’t matter because in my books, his pants bowled a 300.

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