In my 310 class, George gave us our midterms back. George is the only prof I know who insists his undergrads call him by his first name. It’s one of the things I like about him.
Anyways, we’re sitting at the back of the class and he puts all the midterms up front. It’s like a feeding frenzy. I was hesistant to go get mine because I didn’t have a good feeling. I remember being quite stunned when the midterm was over.
One of the piles of midterms had thinned out with people. Curtis came back with his exam. He said that pile was S-Z. That was me. As I walked down the steps of the lecture hall, I remember thinking, I’ve done this walk many times. I’ve picked up countless midterms, always with apprehension. Some turned out to be good, some not so good. What would this be?
As I got to the pile, I didn’t see mine right away. Then, I saw my mine sitting there. Wow, it’s a marked midterm with my name on it. It’s been years since I’ve seen one of those.
I look at the mark… 39… out of 50. Hmmm… it could have been worse. As I walk back to my seat, I’m relieved that I passed, but then I realized I missed an “A” by one mark. Now I’m slightly miffed. I look through the exam and they’ve marked really leniently. Lucky for me. I see also that I missed one of the true/false questions. I had a 50-50 chance on that one and I got it wrong. There, there was the one mark I needed to get an “A”. Damn.
I don’t know if I’m just being greedy. I would have been happy to just pass coming out of the exam, but now I’m thinking I should have an “A”!!! What a strange turn of events.