It’s another hot and sunny day here and after work I’m considering walking to one of the larger parks in my municipality to get some shade and be around some nature.
I am wary of this however because this is the same park where I’ve had some close calls regarding pooping my pants/shorts. At least three times, either on the way to the park, at the park, or on the way home, my gastrointestinal system has decided it needed to quickly evacuate my bowels. This had led to some dramatic and stressful walks home. I’ve made it home before disaster strikes every time so far but there have been some really close calls where I was thinking that public defecation was imminent.
I am not sure why this park is such a triggering factor. The park is about a 15-20 minute walk away. Does that have anything to do with it? There is the concept of a runner’s or jogger’s diarrhea, where the running motion cause the body to want to poop. I’m not running to this park though. I also walk to other places and that hasn’t caused me to want to poop badly as much as the park does.
I’ve also tried to consider what I eat or drink while I’m getting there or in the park. Sometimes I won’t eat or drink anything because I don’t want to trigger something but I believe one time it happened anyways. Sometimes, I’ll drink a lot of water and nothing happens.
I’m gonna tempt fate again. I know one day my luck will run out and I’ll have poop running down my leg.