In a previous post, I wrote about how my information was once again exposed to hackers by MGM. I made a request to have my account deleted and more than a month later, they finally were able to process my request.
I had to prove who I was by entering in some of my personal info, which is kinda ironic since that personal info is already public due to MGM’s failure to keep that information private. What were they doing in those six weeks while I waited for them to delete my account?
Anyways, the account is now deleted and thanks to MGM, I now have a year’s worth of free credit monitoring. You know, MGM offered free credit monitoring to everyone who had they accounts hacked and I think that was hundreds of thousands of accounts. That must have cost them some money.
While nothing alarming has been reported by the credit monitoring, since the beginning of January, I’ve had at least two e-mails sent to me with password reset links for two popular social media sites. Someone is obviously trying to probe sites and entering in my e-mail address to see if there’s an account attached. Furthermore, at least a dozen times a day, people around the world try to access the e-mail account that was associated with that MGM account. At least for now, they can’t get in because they don’t have my password and I have two-factor authentication on. I do wonder if one day they’ll figure a way in. At least I won’t have to worry about MGM anymore.