Last week, I ordered a stainless steel water bottle from Amazon. When it arrived the next day, it came in a cardboard box. The bottle was also inside some plastic film. When I took the bottle out, I unscrewed the top and I took a look inside.
What I saw, is what you can see in the picture above. I have purchased a few water bottles before and none of them, plastic or metal, ever came into my possession already with some liquid in it. This was an unpleasant surprise to me.
I think most people expect when they purchase a container that they are going to eat or drink from, it does not arrive in a “wet” state. As far as I could tell, the liquid was odourless. Other than that, I couldn’t tell what it was. Now could it have been just some harmless water? Yes, it very well could have been. If so, that begs the question, why is there water already in my supposedly new water bottle.
Was this water bottle previously used and then returned to Amazon? Yeah, that might have happened and if that did, that’s gross. Or was some warm air trapped in the bottle and when it got moved into a colder environment (like a plane or truck), the moist, warm air caused condensation to form inside the bottle? This is also possibility. The bottle is not insulated, so this could have happened. If that was the case, then just a quick rinse would have been sufficient.
In the end, I decided to return the bottle because no one really knows why the bottle was wet on the inside. Amazon also has a very easy and hassle-free return policy, so it made that decision easier.
I’m gonna hold out for a dry water bottle.