I ordered a metal water bottle from Amazon this week. When it arrived, I removed it from its packaging and then opened up the top to inspect the inside. I was surprised to see drops of clear liquid on the top when I unscrewed it. Then I peered into the bottle itself. What I saw is picture above.
As you clearly see, the inside of the bottle contained a small amount of clear liquid all along the surface. Now I’ve purchased a few water bottles over the years. Some came from Amazon and some did not. None of them, up until this point, ever had pre-existing liquid in them at the time of possession.
I don’t think it’s unreasonable for me to want to have a water bottle delivered to me that is clean and dry on the inside. Could this be condensation from some moist air that was trapped inside of the bottle? Yes, that is possible, but I can’t guarantee that. I don’t know what that liquid is. Maybe someone bought this bottle, used it to drink water from it, and then returned it. That’s also a possibility.
I suppose someone people would have shrugged at the sight of this, washed it thoroughly and just used it. If those people want to do that, that’s fine. I paid money for a new water bottle and I’d like one that at the very least, has the appearance of a new water bottle.
You know, I’d understand if I had bought this from a thrift store or a garage sale, but this was supposed to be new and never used. I asked a friend if the bottle arrived in this condition would they use it and they said no.
Anyways, I’m returning the bottle and I’m quite thankful that Amazon offers a convenient and free method of doing this.