It seems like every weekend I do battle with the ants. This afternoon I opened looked underneath my bathroom sink to find three or four ants just chilling, like they owned my apartment.

I vacuumed them all up because I wanted to see how and where they were getting in. I wasn’t convinced I got it right the last time I made some observations. So I just sat down on my bathroom floor with a flashlight and just waited for new ants to emerge.

After a few minutes, I saw two ants, at the side of the cabinet, and I had no idea how they got there. It looked like they just materialized out of thin air. It took about 30 more minutes and observing four or five more ants to realize they were coming in and out of two separate points of ingress. These were areas I had not noticed before.

One of them was a tiny hole near the ground where the tile meets the wall. The other was a wide gap near the top of the sink cabinet. This gap went behind a panel in the cabinet, which I realized I had to remove if I was gonna get full access to the gap to seal it off.

The panel was held in place with eight screws, all of which were hard to get at. To remove these screws, I had to get on back and laid down inside the cabinet. It’s also one of those situations where something is easier to remove than to put back. When it’s time to attach it again, I won’t have anything to hold it place while I awkwardly put the screws back in. That’s a future me problem however.

Armed with this new knowledge and access, I grabbed some sealant, put on my respirator, and sealed up these points of ingress. Every single time I seal more areas off, I quietly hope this is the last time I need to do this, at least for the bathroom area. So far, every time I check the next day or so, I see more ants.

Let’s not even talk about the kitchen situation.


So Post Malone is doing a collaboration with the game I work on. Now before you think this is some lame corporate deal with a celebrity, Posty is and has been a huge fan of our game for a long time now. If you do a search, it won’t take you long to find footage of him playing our game. I can also tell you this, he has more hours in the game than I do, by a wide margin. He’s also way better at the game than me, though that’s not saying a lot.

Anyways, he partnered with us to help design some of the cosmetics for the event and as you can see, he made a pretty cool trailer with us as well. I’ve been making games for a long time now and it’s always exciting to me to see things like this.


I purchased clothes hangers for the first time in my life this week. I’d never had to do that before. When I moved into my apartment many years ago, I just grabbed a whole bunch of those wire hangers from my parents’ place and used those. Over the years, I’d do dry cleaning and those establishments would return your clothes on hangers. In that fashion, I’d accumulate and gain new hangers.

Over the last few years, I’ve done a lot less dry cleaning, so the number of new hangers coming into my closet has gone done to zero. I’ve continued to buy new clothes however and it got to the point where I just ran out of unused hangers.

For weeks now, some of my clothes have just sat in the dryer or on my couch, without place to go. I finally did something about it and ordered a pack of 20 hangers on Amazon. They’re the nice kind with the fake velvet coating. This will come in handy when I hang up my cheap t-shirts and jogging pants.

Anyways, I’m one step closer to being a full-fledged adult now.