It’s officially cold as balls in Vancouver as temperatures have fallen to just below freezing for the first time this fall. For Vancouver that’s cold as we have the most reasonable temperatures on average in Canada for a big city. This means I’ve switched to my winter coat and the new North Face jacket I’ve been wearing is going to get its insert installed tomorrow morning. I probably should have put that insert in earlier as it was freezing cold today.
I know the rest of Canada usually mocks Vancouver when we complain about the mercury dropping to close to freezing. In Calgary, they’ve already had a huge helping of snow on the ground. Out east, temperatures have already fallen well below zero. I’m delicate though! My skin can’t take this dry, wintry air.
It’s -15 but feels like -24 here with the wind chill. Toughen up you west coast softie.
I am soft, there’s no doubt about it. I would probably be found frozen on the street in -15 weather.