I was way too busy playing with Mint.com tonight so I don’t have time for a lengthy post so I’ll just send out some random thoughts.
I am currently eating some yogurt that is one day past it’s “best before” date. As many of you know, I’m a thrill-seek and risk-taker type of guy so this behaviour is pretty much inline with my crazy lifestyle. Ladies, I’m the guy your mom warned you about… mostly because your mom dislikes nerds.
Even though I don’t work for EA any more, I still intently read every quarterly earnings report that they send out. Today they released their latest earnings report. It was no surprise they posted yet another loss but somehow beat out analyst expectations. In a surprise move, they also mentioned they’ll be buying back approx. $600M worth of stock in the next 18 months. Since I still hold several hundred shares of EA stock, they can buy it back from me, at $50 a share, so I can break even on most of shares that are under water.
It’s already February and one month of 2011 has gone by. About a year ago in Vancouver, we had a small sporting event. Does anyone remember that?
I seem to remember a certain Manitoban carrying a pitcher of beer around Whistler with him, collecting high-fives about this time last year, but that could describe what about half of Manitobans would do given the opportunity…
In other news, I see the NHLPA agrees with your assessment of the local professional ice hockey team: http://www.metronews.ca/vancouver/local/article/758348–vancouver-canucks-overrated-nhlpa
How does something rate as overrated when it is the top ranked something in its group? It would make more sense if the poll was overachieving. I wouldn’t agree with it, but it would at least make more sense.