This post is for all the gaming geeks out there. The other day I was thinking about all the games I finished while I was living at SJC. This may or may not be interesting, but here’s a list in no particular order:
Medal of Honor – Spearhead (thanks to Nic for counting the shells for me in the Ardennes forest)
Medal of Honor – Breakthrough (thanks to Patrick for buying this for me)
Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (I had to rush through this because it was cutting into my school work)
No One Lives Forever 2 (the first game I played in 2003)
Contract Jack (it took me three days to beat)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (I devoted 72 hours of my life into this game)
Max Payne (ask Patrick to show you his impression of Max going into bullet-time)
Max Payne 2 (did I mention Patrick also does the sound effects?)
Call of Duty (allowed me to live out my dream of doing LAN games at SJC, thanks everyone)
XIII (this will be the last game here at SJC)