I was walking downtown today. As I passed the Virgin Megastore, I heard a voice shout out.

“Erwin Tang!”

I looked to my right and saw where the voice came from. It was a former junior high classmate of mine, Rob. He was walking to a Capoeira demonstration. I had last talked to Rob about three years ago. He was heavily involved in Capoeira then and I saw he still was.

We exchanged pleasantries. He then mentioned that he saw my web site. I asked him how he had found it. Rob told me he Google’d his own name and found some Capoeira-related stuff. Then he tried some other names and mine was one of them.

I thanked him for visiting and that he should leave me a message some time. At that point his group had to move on and we said our goodbyes.

What a random encounter. I know from web tracking tools that some people have put my name in Google, but I never knew who was doing that. Now, I know who at least one of them were.

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