I thought this article was a good read. It combines two unlikely recent events, the new X-Men movie and the war in Iraq. It also gives me a chance to mention my always simmering crush on Famke Janssen.

Here’s a funny related anecdote. I was playing tennis with Marcia and Mitchell today. Mitch asked me if I had seen X2 yet. I said yes and I thought it was awesome. He saw it with Matt earlier this afternoon and he liked it too. Marcia asked him who was in it. Mitch replied, “Rebecca Romijn-Stamos, and I forget who else… that was it I think…”

I had a chance to see the movie again tonight, but the timing wasn’t right. Maybe again soon.

This is off-topic, but remember exactly one week ago, I had my dental surgery? Yeah, we had cheeseburgers that night for dinner. I had my burger frozen. Tonight, I de-frosted it and ate it. It was tasty. Yeah it was.

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