I went to bed around 2:30am to get up at 9am, well at least that was the plan. I couldn’t fall asleep unfortunately. It must have been past 3am, probably closer to 4am until I did actually fall asleep. To make matters worse, I woke up at 8am for some stupid reason. I fell back to sleep until my alarm woke me up at 9am.
It didn’t feel that great, but I’ve had worse mornings. I managed to get to my lecture on time, even ran into a friend I hadn’t seen for a while. Good old Kyle Lepage. He told me he’s gonna go do his Ph.D after his M.Sc. Wow, that took me by surprise. He said he’s really enjoying his work though, and you know what, that’s really the only thing we should be striving for. Good for Kyle.
I usually fall asleep at the first lecture on Fridays, but I was awake for the whole two hours. I even made two comments in class. They didn’t make much sense, and the whole class thinks I’m a tool now, but at least I participated.
After class, I’m usually lazy, and I like to go straight back to my room, eat lunch, and nap, but I had some things to do today. Firstly, I went to the clinic to get my stitches removed. They told me to come back at 2:15pm. I then went to the Old General Services Administration building to pick up my keys to the CEME building. I had not been in that building for about ten years. That’s where people used to pick up their scholarship cheques. After first year, the new Brock Hall opened up, and student services were moved there. Anyways, I picked up my keys and now I have access to the Civil/Mechanical building and the Industrial Automation Lab.
After that I came back to my room, made a few calls, checked my mail, and then went off to the clinic. It took less than five minutes to remove my stitches, and the doctor told me I couldn’t ride a bike or play hockey for about two weeks. My thumb has been under wraps basically for about a week, so I was fascinated at what it looked like now. The whole area had healed nicely, but the skin was really dry. The old skin which had been sliced open had become dead and dry. The whole thing looked like it was geological fault on a map.
Next, I rushed off to class. Now, I know I shouldn’t have done this, but the skin was so dry and it looked dead, I kinda picked it off. Yeah, it sounds gross, but I did. I’m glad I did because the new skin underneath was flawless. You couldn’t even tell I had suffered at a cut. I was so sure I was gonna get a scar outta this, but this thing healed so well, nary a spot will remain.
Holy crap, I’m rambling on right now. Anyways, I’ll wrap this up with this last item. I sneezed tonight. I shouldn’t have done that. Right after I did that, I started feeling really tired and not so well. This might signal an onset of a cold. I’ve experienced this before. It could go either way. I could wake up tomorrow and be totally fine, or, I could wake up and know immediately bad times are ahead.
Being sick sucks.