At least for now, I believe I have chosen my replacement for my phone. Over the weekend, I discovered the Nokia 8 more or less fits the requirements I have for a new phone: a nearly stock Android experience, will run the latest version of Android, a better camera than my Nexus 5, near field communication functionality, and a price that I can live with. On the price point, there is a complication in that the Nokia technically isn’t available in Canada. The phone can be bought on Ebay but is subject to whatever price the seller wants to list it at. So far, I’ve seen it sold for just under $700. That’s about double what I paid for my Nexus 5 but $200 less than the Pixel 2, which would have been my choice had it not been for the $900 price tag.

It’s possible the price of the Nokia 8 might drop if I wait a few months. I wonder if it’ll be cheaper after Christmas. It seems to be a great phone and I hope it will last as long as my Nexus 5.

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