Despite living over a large supermarket, I came to the realization about an hour ago that I have no real food in my apartment. I had a small dinner consisting of a six-inch sub from Subway. For some people that would be enough to hold them over until breakfast. I am not that type of person. I spent most of the evening working a personal programming project and by the time I finished up with that, I discovered I was hungry and that I nothing to eat. Everything downstairs also had closed up for the night.
This is currently what’s available to me that feasible as food: two Twinkies, Almond Roca candy, and two peanut butter cookies. I also do have a few cups of microwave macaroni and cheese but the packet of powdered cheese contains a wealth of chemicals that I’m trying to stay away from.
It looks like I’ll probably finish the Twinkies and cookies and hopefully that will be enough to get me to the morning.
I love that you are worried about the chemicals in powdered cheese, so decided to play it safe with Twinkies.
That our Erwin!
There are way less chemicals in Twinkies!