So on Sundays, I usually head over to my parents’ place to have dinner with them. It gives me a chance to talk with them and see if they their VCR clock set. It’s also convenient because I don’t have to worry about finding dinner on Sundays. On this most recent Sunday, this was no different as I made my way over to Port Moody. When I got there, I discovered my parents had decided on having hot pot for dinner. I’ve had hot pot with them before and it’s usually quite enjoyable. There are plenty of meats and vegetables to choose from and getting to cook your own food is cool.

As I was eating dinner, I began to get thirsty. The boiling stock has got salt in it for taste and I’d been dipping my food in this soy mixture. It was all very tasty but I had to start drinking some water. Over the course of dinner, I had an entire bottle of water, about 500 mL. When I got home, I had another bottle of water almost right away. For the rest of the evening I had a few glasses of my beloved hot water (that everyone else thinks I’m strange for drinking). By the time I needed to go to bed, I didn’t feel thirsty but I knew I needed more water. It was bit of a weird feeling, like I was being brined (is that a word?) from the inside. So I drank more water and then climbed into bed.

I did feel somewhat tired but sleep did not come to me. I knew I was in trouble because I was wide awake. I felt like I needed to drink some more water so that’s what I did. It didn’t really help and the minutes blurred into hours. I don’t remember falling asleep but the next thing I knew it was almost light outside around 5am. Whatever amount of sleep I had gotten didn’t feel too restful. I got up to pee and then went back to bed and then fell asleep for reals. Unfortunately, my alarm clock went off at 8:30am and that signaled the beginning of a tough day.

I was out of it for nearly the entire day but luckily work wasn’t too bad. On the way home, I fell asleep on the Skytrain almost immediately and came pretty close to missing my station. Oddly enough, this isn’t the first time I’ve had insomnia because of dehydration but it was certainly the worst case for sure. My loyal readers, make sure you’re well hydrated before you go to sleep, even if that means you gotta go pee at night.

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