A completely unnecessary picture of Megan Fox
The February issue of the Journal of Family Psychology contains the results of a study which I consider to be the most important and ground-breaking in the history of our civilization. Here is an excerpt from said study:
“Women seeking a lifelong mate might do well to choose the guy a notch below them in the looks category. New research reveals couples in which the wife is better looking than her husband are more positive and supportive than other match-ups.”
More on the study can be found here. Please, for the sake of mankind, or at the very least myself, pass this article on to every single woman that you know. I personally will have a laminated fold-up copy of the study with me every single time I go to a pub, bar, dog park, or wedding reception.
What exciting times! It’s like when Archimdes figured out buoyancy!
Damn, who cares if we discover the theory of everything. We know the important facts now.
What else is there to know?
This should probably be taught in schools.