There are more and more people in Canada like me. No, not mentally challenged people. According to a Bank of Montreal study, more young adults are staying or returning to live with their parents. Nearly a third of people between the ages 21 to 34 are still living with or have returned to ma and pa.
It’s easy to see why. Home prices have skyrocketed in the last five years. Also, it now requires a significant amount of education sometimes to get a decent paying job. That education can means lots of debt. Between the debt and high real estate costs, it’s causing some major suckage when it comes to living situations.
The study shows young people on average in Vancouver put away only 13.3% of their pre-tax income. I’ve exceeded that amount significantly while paying off debt at the same time. Still, I’m massively far away from what I would need to make a healthy downpayment on a condo. I’d probably have to live with my parents until I was 40 if I wanted a decent amount of cash in the bank.
I’m fully prepared to rent for the rest of my life. Or, I could move to a small town and buy a tiny house there. I’d change careers and be a short-order cook at a truck stop outside of Lytton. I’d meet a single mother, Marla, with two kids, Martin and Josephine, 5 and 2. Josie would love me almost immediately but Marty would need some convincing. He’d come around though and call me Dad about a year later. Marla and I would have one more child named Ben. When it would be time for Marty to go to UBC, Marla and I would drive him down to the Vancouver campus to move his stuff into rez. Before we’d leave, Marty would give me a hug and say that he was really lucky I became his Dad. Of course, I’d start to cry a little bit and but recover enough to tell him to use condoms. It would be a wonderful life and all because I couldn’t afford a condo in Vancouver. What the hell was in that muffin I just ate?
Wow E…that story is almost sappy enough to be a long distance telephone company commercial.