As happens at the end of every academic term, I have entered a stage where I am desperately trying to finish asssignments and a project before I reach their fast-approaching deadlines.
This is the first term ever, where I don’t have any final exams, yet at this point, I feel no less stressed. I hate doing term projects for grad classes. They seem to be a staple of most grad classes and I’ve done three of them. One was a group project, which I quite enjoyed. The other two I did by myself, which I did not enjoy. I find it always very difficult to produce “project” quality- and “project” quantity-type work in a short amount of time.
The project I’m working on now is quite ambitious, well at least for me, and if I get it done, I’ll be quite happy. If I manage to pull it off, it will also be the first piece of software that I can and will want to share with you. I look forward to crashing all your computers.
I hope to be done the project by the middle of December. I just want to get this thing handed and then go see the next Lord of the Rings movie. Oh, wait…